A delicious, fresh from the garden and vegan dish; baked and stuffed summer squash. Many squashes, scallop, patty pan, rond-de-nice, don't slice well. Rather than chunking them in a stew, this preparation provides an elegant presentation.
Select the chunky and round squash.
Slice the bottom to flatten it, scoop out the insides with a melon-baller and save them for the filling. Then coat each of them with olive oil and bake at 35oF. To keep them from moving, ramekins or muffin tins can be used. Thirty minutes is usually long enough - just make sure they're tender.
While they're baking, saute a mirepoix (carrots, celery, onions), adding tomatoes, peppers and the scooped out parts of the squash.
When it's reduced, it should nice and thick.
Spoon the filling into the squash and garnish with fresh herbs.