I just finished reading an amazing book by Austin Kleon. Although the title may suggest (and Picasso profess) that art is theft, the content is focused on inspiration. Artists and humans first imitate and, through the artistic and growth process, begin to emulate. That is to say, after imitation, inspiration, introspection and maturation, we can begin to make new things.
The book also provided real advice to the art-hearted dreamers: Take care of yourself! Sleep, eat healthy, hold a steady job and stay connected to other people. This guy knows what he's talking about. As much as I love to avoid daylight, eat butter-laden French food and enjoy solitude, I agree with him.
Lastly, monitor your progress. Keep track - with calendars and logbooks - of the creative process. This reminds you of how far you've gone and serves as self-competitive motivation.
Buy it: Steal Like an Artist: 10 Things Nobody Told You About Being Creative
Read it - be inspired.